Friday, July 29, 2011

The republicans are not bluffing

The republicans are not bluffing

The republican party with George Bush and friends has put the country into a eight year full powered dive, destination to bore a hole the full way to china.

George Bush is gone but his friends are more adamant at boring the hole.
Obama cannot pull out of the eight year dive suddenly or the wings will be left in the air while the fuselage will still end up in China.

Obama is trying to cut the power of the dive while slowly pulling out of the dive without leaving the wings behind, but Bush's friends are still in charge, they keep pushing the throttle to full power.

If Bush's friends have their way China will own us fully, very soon.
Bush's friends are invested in gold and foreign currencies they will gain fortunes as they have during the two wars that they created.

Their investment is diversified all over the world.

The poor working people on the other hand cannot diversify their small income. They put their hard earned money in the bank, when the currency collapses they will have to sell their homes to buy a bread.
The Bush friends will buy your home for pennies on the dollar and rent it back to you.

The republicans are not bluffing, They want the dollar to collapse. They will gain the whole country and bring back virtual slavery.
These are treasonous traitors without any morals they are only motivated by personal greed.

They are making a lot of money off the war machine.

A good way to weaken them is to immediately and abruptly evacuate all the troops in the two wars they created. This would be a blow to them, then you would see them panic.

Unusemenucum 7/29/11